A preview of Katie in her fauna costume that we made for the Fairy Festival this weekend. All I need to do is attach the tail and a button for the hood :) I'll try and post one for Syd after she gets home from school if we have time :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
This weekend we were lucky to have a visit from family. Rich, Beth, Jake and Zack (Marc's brothers family :)) were going to sightsee around DC so Marc's Mom and Jeff drove up from NJ and we headed with Uncle Dave down to the National Zoo to meet. We had a great day. The kids love each other (and we live so far away they don't get to spend time together often).
Jake and Zack near the Panda's. Then MOST of the family (poor Marc and Grandma Jo were busy taking the picture and Jeff is just missing LOL!). At lunch the kids goof around. And Syd tests her strength in front of the great ape house.
The great ape house is one of my favorite parts of the National zoo. OK . . . it smells, but The gorillas are sooooo worth it! If you look in the 2nd picture you can see me and Kay marveling at the gorilla that came over just to sit next to us. She is such a beautiful animal! The 4th one down is an orangutan and the last is a great picture of the cousins all together. We'll miss them!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Katie cuddles the cat in the first picture and is all dressed up (but still making her war face). It was our day to be the helper at preschool today (it's a co-op) and being T day we had a Tea party where the kids were invited to wear ties and tiaras and bring their Teddy bears. It was great fun and you can see all the kids looked stinking cute!
The kids and their teddy bears had a busy day
More of the Tea party. We brought Raspberry Snapple ice tea and cookies and Miss Molly made some brownies. The kids practiced good manners (except for some potty humor from the boys at the end...) and had a terrific time. So did the teddy bears, seen at their own tea party.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Some random pictures one of the girls and one of me (taken by Katie)
We went to the park on Friday afternoon for a birthday party :)
It's almost time for the annual Fairy Festival, so we are making some costumes! Katie is wearing my hat (the ears look donkey-ish but would actually be based on a Nubian goat). Me and the kids (HA!) are going as fauna this year.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Katie blows her very first bubble!! pardon the crusty nose, this was too good to pass up on ;) She is very proud of herself she has been trying to blow a bubble for months!
A pretty Robin that came to visit this morning. He looked like a much bigger bird in this tree so I thought he was a kestrel or something till I got closer :)
Some pictures from Syd's spring concert. The first one is the 5th and 6th grade chorus. Then a pic Kay took of herself. then some of Syd's class. They did a play called "Three of a Kind"
Syd eating crackers after a hard day at school and Katie passed out!