Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No pictures today but a nice update. The girls both love their teachers! They are both adjusting very well to the new school year (though Katie is so beat at the end of the day she is easily upset). Katie also throws a fit if she can't sit at the window on the bus. I told her if this continues I will tell the bus driver to never let her have the window seat so it won't be a problem (and yes I AM that mean- she needs to get over it)

Ivy looks forward to bringing the girls to the bus stop in the morning (she gets a ton of attention there!) and picking them up. She misses them during the day.

I am so pleased so far with Syd's new teacher (we knew we loved Katie's caused Syd had her too!). I think this is telling- Syd's first day she (her whole class not just her :P) got a baggy full of small items as a welcome. It says on the front-
Welcome bags
An eraser= to let you know it is ok to make mistakes
A gem= each one of us is valuable
A package of Smarties candies= there are many different kinds of "smart"
A stick of gum= we will all stick together
Star stickers= we always shine and do our best
Heart stickers= our classroom is a safe and caring place

I love our school system, and the teachers in it. I couldn't do their job and I have the utmost respect for all they do. The (almost) make it look easy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The girls all ready for school. (Ivy looks sad but she loves the x-pen it makes her feel safe when we aren't home :P). Today is Katie's first day at Kindergarten!!!
Sydney ready for 3rd grade
The big kid all ready for her first day!
Ivy and the girls (and the neighbor girls who love her too!)
Lining up for the bus
and Katie is official!
Those dark heads far back in the middle window are the girls!
Our neighbors getting off the bus. They are the same ages as our girlies
Squidney :) A BIG third grader this year!
Here they are off the bus and ready for a GREAT school year.
This past weekend we had a birthday party for our two girls (July20th, Sept 4th). Our families live about 3-4 hours away so the party was a get together for all of us :). It was a very fun time!
opening gifts :)

Blowing out the candles

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ivy and Chef Gorden Ramsey- her favorite chewy
hunting Faun in the back yard
Ivy the cute
A picture Kay took of me and my big wet mop 'o hair!
On Sunday we went to the PA renn faire (not our favorite but First State Greyhounds have a booth there)
this is Frank. He came to our house to visit when we were looking to adopt
Me dressed NOT for the weather (it was HOT) but to look cool with Ivy. . . yeah not smart
Comedy- I love this picture she is a cutie
Syd and Katie after the dog show

Ivy and Sandy schmoozing
Ivy and Mojo
the dogs are so great- this set up at the faire is what got us thinking of getting a greyhound
Pretty Syd
Our local library had a summer program this year to introduce people to letter boxing (we have done this for a few years now :P). Here we are starting out hunting down stamps for a book that they got. When we get 11 stamps they can get a prize and get a chance to win a Wii
Horses hanging out in the second boxes park!
Finding the second box- we found 6 all together this day

Katie stamps her book
The fairy girls
lettter box hiding in the tree
Nixon Park was the last on the list for letter boxing. There was a storm on the way so we found the box quick!
Marc and the girls with the dark sky!
Finding the box before. . .
Hard to see the rain in these pictures. It was pouring and sunny at the same time. It was beautiful!