Ivy (in her fall coat) models the silly dog scarf that mommy made her. I am just learning how to knit, it looks funny but Ivy doesn't care :P Ivy thinks "why does my mommy dress me funny? I haven't done anything to her"
Monday, September 15, 2008
"It's a false nose!" Eating hair... bad habit number 298 MD Renn Faire again :)
Gargoyles! The Septemberpole? Kermie
Feeding Katie grapes Maryland Renn faire has a pretty site Sydney
Kaybear the vicious Like mother like daughter What Ivy does while we are out (or home for that matter) Silly girls
pony's FTW (for the win for you non-gamers :P) "Take my picture. I'll make the war face..." Dressing up daddy
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pretty Ivy girl. When we took her letter boxing with us last Sunday. For red day at school (this week and next are color weeks) Katie made Clifford the big red dog ears. I <3 the black nose LOL!
Renn faire season is here! we missed opening weekend but went with my best friend and her kids to celebrate her eldest's 18th birthday! Me and the Jenny crew Story time- the REALLY ugly duckling
Warrior silliness Jarrod To quote Jenny "does this armor make me look fat?" yeah- no surprises there
Katie the Scold Mimes! The girls riding the ponies