Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Headmaster
Keith (he <3's Syd!)
The kids all pose for their Hogwarts class picture (it doesn't move on Muggle computers, Sorry)
Broom flying 101. Use a broom, not a wiffle ball bat. . .


Keri said...

I am soo loving this party idea and hoping at least one of my children will want one someday! :)

Chrissy said...

We had a great time :) The only thing that was a hitch was I hid stuff at each part of the marauders map for the goody bags. I had dark mark tattoos, wands (to decorate later), little potion bags full of candy, and prefect badges. I got a mix of the badges and NO ONE would take the Slytherin ones, the kids who knew Harry Potter didn't want them and the kids who didn't knew there was something up if the other kids wouldn't take them LOL. That and I completely missed getting pictures of the quiddich game- Marc made hoops and had them set up in the yard as goalposts and I didn't even get those!