On my blog I have not said a whole lot about my political views, if you are reading this on Facebook or MySpace you may have more of an insight to my thoughts on politics. No matter who won last night I planned on reaching out, because we are all Americans and we are all in this together.
Every four years we pull together and vote for the person who represents us to the world. We don’t all vote for the same person but whoever wins is our President either way. Last night, finally, many Americans decided to exercise that right and vote! It was a wonderful and beautiful thing to see people passionate enough to get in line and wait (some times for hours) to have their vote counted. That is important no matter who won, the people spoke and were heard. Democracy won no matter what.
You may not have voted for Obama, you may not be too happy that he won. That’s ok, having been there myself I understand it sucks when the person you feel should be running the country isn’t elected. As an Obama supporter I wanted to extend a hand in hope that now we are past the election we can look past who won and get to work on fixing the problems.
I see an election much like a wedding. All the crazy hoopla and drama and stress leads up to it. It is an important day but not THE most important part of a marriage. Anyone who is married knows that it is WORK. You don’t always agree and you don’t always feel the same way about how to approach problems. It is working together toward a single purpose that is important.
I will speak for a lot of my friends who I know feel the same way as I do and let those of you who are not happy today know we all want the same thing. Not necessarily all the same things, we have our differences of course. We all want this country to continue to be a great place to live. We all want good judgment in the White House. We all want the problems in this country to be healed. That is the basic goal as Americans, not Republicans or Democrats or Independents.
I have not talked to one democrat that believes that Obama is the answer to every issue that has come up and will come up in the next four years. We are realistic in knowing he may fail, it is the hope that he will live up to his potential, the knowledge that he is willing to hear and think about the problems, the fact that for a lot of us he seems not only to be very smart and level headed but also moral. I know not everyone agrees with that. I get it, not everyone like him or trusts him. I hope that he lives up to what those of us who voted for him see in him. That hope is not so we can say “I told you so” not so we can feel superior. That hope is simply that if he does live up to it, if he is “the real thing” that we will all benefit.