Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Haven't gotten a chance to post much the last few weeks, school is winding down for the girls, So are scouts and dance classes (but they get more intense first as the girls prepare for their show). I am starting my summer term (eww Algebra). Mothers day weekend was spent in NJ, where we brought our camera but left it in the car unused. We had a great time! The next weekend I went along with Syd's Brownie troop for an over night camping trip.These pictures are from camp Echo Trail :).

The first is not the best picture of Adriane, but I had to post it. She is Syd's Brownie leader and she roxxors! We roasted hotdogs on the fire then later roasted marshmallows for Smores :)
Eating and craft making was undertaken the first night. The girls had the hot dogs, & mac and cheese and then took turns, while one patrol made smores the others (we had 3) decorated dunk bags and made journals as keepsakes of the camping trip.
Sydney the flashlightanater!
Dunk bags drying and bunks being laid out for the night of (no) sleep!
Our girls!


Keri said...

So what is a dunk bag??? I kept reading it as DRUNK bag...LMAO.

Chrissy said...

Drunk bag LOL! A dunk bag is usually made of mesh and it is a bag for your mess kit. You put any dirty plates, forks cups, or whatever, into it so that you can dunk them and clean them. Then you just hang the bag on a line to dry.

One of the leaders got the idea to give the girls a lingerie bag and fabric paint, that way when all the 20 or so dunk bags are hanging they are all personalized so each girl can tell which is her bag.