Friday, December 5, 2008

Every year since Syd began school I help organize the schools Holiday Secret shoppe. This year I got some pictures.

Set up of the Holiday Secret Shoppe, this picture is the silent auction table.
We set up a store and wrapping area for about 300 kids. The idea is that they come in (no parents) are assigned someone to help budget their shopping, pay and get the gifts wrapped (therefore keeping them a secret until the holidays). We go and buy about 1500-2000 items to sell the night of the shoppe and usually make around $2000.00 profit for our PTO (mostly from the donated items we auction)
It's a lot of work and we get the help of many many volunteers. We also sell food, have tables set up where the different grades can sell things to make money for their classes, have a full night of entertainment and even pictures with Santa! Much of the work is done by 4 of us!Here are some of the cheerleaders from the High school helping the smaller kids shop

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